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Annual cost of child poverty for Puerto Rico

It affects the country’s productivity and coming at a great cost for all.

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How much is child poverty costing us? What can we do about it?

Puerto Rico stands at a critical moment as it carves its future. The economic model that guided development for decades is no longer feasible and our children now carry an even heavier load over their shoulders.

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A Future of Child Poverty: How Much It Costs and What We Can Do About It

This report:

  • Presents evidence on the impacts of poverty on Puerto Rican children


  • Quantifies the annual cost of child poverty


  • Develops a road map to significantly reduce poverty in 3 to 10 years 

This report was possible through the contributions of Filantropía Puerto Rico and Anne E. Casey Foundation. 

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How much does child poverty costs us?

Cost of Child Poverty, 2017 (in millions)

















Lost earnings




Cost of Child Poverty and Cost of Solutions

Poverty Cost

Policy Cost

Policy Combination 1 Cost Comparison







Year 3

Year 5

Year 10

Poverty Cost

Policy Cost

Policy Combination 2 Cost Comparison







Year 3

Year 5

Year 10

Costo de la pobreza

Costo de la Política Pública

Policy Combination 3 Cost Comparison







Año 3

Año 5

Año 10


Roadmap Towards Decreasing Child Poverty


Poverty Reduction Percentage at 10 year mark 100%

Number of children lifted out of poverty

Políticas de impuestos

Mantener el Crédito por Ingreso Devengado  en sus niveles actuales

Extender el Crédito Federal por Hijos a familias con uno o dos hijos

Crear un Crédito Tributario de Oportunidad de Trabajo

11,494 niños y niñas



13,793 niños y niñas

4,215 niños y niñas


Políticas de impuestos

Políticas económicas y laborales

Expandir los empleos subsidiados por el gobierno a jóvenes, madres y padres

Cear un programa universal de transferencias directas para las familias con niños ($150 por niño)

13,410 niños y niñas



31,801 niños y niñas

58,239 niños y niñas


Crear un programa universal de transferencias directas para las familias con niños ($100 por niño)

Políticas económicas y laborales

Políticas que eliminan las barreras al empleo

Expandir los programas de horario extendido a los niños en las escuelas públicas

Implementar modelos de dos generaciones para toda la familias en las escuelas públicas

13,410 niños y niñas



6,513 niños y niñas

20,307 niños y niñas


Asegurar acceso a programas de desarrollo temprano a todos los niños de 0 a 5 años

Políticas que eliminan las barreras al empleo

Políticas de desarrollo de capital humano

Desarrollar un programa de adiestramiento laboral sectorial

Revitalizar programas para completar la escuela superior y grados asociados

1,149 niños y niñas



766 niños y niñas

Políticas de desarrollo de capital humano

We organized the proposed policies into
3 combinations:


Policy Combination


Policy Combination


Policy Combination


Maintain the local Earned Income Tax Credit at its current levels

Extend the Federal Child Tax Credit to families with one or two children

Create a Welfare-to-Work Opportunity Tax Credit

Expand government-subsidized jobs for parents and youth

Create a universal child allowance program

Ensure access to early child development programs to all children aged 0 to 5

Extend after-school programs to children in public schools 

Introduce whole-family two-generation models to public schools

Develop a sector-based Work Training program

Revamp high school and associate degree completion programs

($100 per child)

($150 per child)

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We propose the following strategy to significantly decrease child poverty in
3 to 10 years. The range of percentages corresponds to poverty and extreme poverty, respectively.

Currently: Child poverty 58%  |  Extreme child poverty 39%

Poverty | Extreme poverty

3 years

Policy Combination 1

Policy Combination 2

Policy Combination 3

49%  |  27%

48%  |  25%

45%  |  20%

5 years

Policy Combination 1

Policy Combination 2

Policy Combination 3

46%  |  23%

45%  |  21%

40%  |  14%

10 years

Policy Combination 1

Policy Combination 2

Policy Combination 3

31%  |  11%

36%  |  9%

29%  |  0%

It’s possible to significantly reduce child poverty over the next 10 year. According to our estimates, we could eliminate deep child poverty completely in 10 years!

A claim of the people!

These organizations along with the hundreds of entities represented endorse this study findings and recommendations

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About Us

Who We Are

The Instituto del Desarrollo de la Juventud is the only organization in Puerto Rico that is committed to advocating for research and public policy designed to strengthen the financial stability of families with children and youth in Puerto Rico and therefore drastically reduce child poverty on the island. We bring about systemic change through research, community mobilization, and government relations.

How We Do It

By empowering affected

people to participate

in the public policymaking process

Through the formation of alliances because child 

poverty reduction is everyone’s responsibility.





By encouraging local and federal government leadersto rely on data

By supporting advocacy, 
teaching about issues and potential solutions, and supporting
affected people

Learn more:


Get involved! 


Becoming an ally for this cause means that:


  1. Your organization supports ending child poverty in Puerto Rico.

  2. Your organization is interested in placing the issue of child poverty as a priority in Puerto Rico.

  3. Your organization supports the comprehensive policy approach to reduce child poverty that we present in this study.

  4. Your organization provides your logo so that we can highlight you as a partner on our website.

The benefits of being a member include:


  1. Position your entity as one that is committed to Puerto Rico’s social and economic development.  

  2. Participate in discussions about particular strategies for your entity to address child poverty.  

  3. Be part of a network of allies that can share information, align strategies and help inform public policy at the Puerto Rico and federal level. 

Only by working together can we make child poverty a priority in Puerto Rico


Get involved! 

Child poverty affects Puerto Rico’s productivity and quality of life and is a costly for all of us. Make your voice heard, sign up for an email newsletter for more information and join future campaigns from the Youth Development Institute of Puerto Rico, including how to ensure that child poverty is a key issue in Puerto Rico’s 2020 election.


Get involved! 

Schedule a time with the Youth Development Institute of Puerto Rico staff to discuss these public policy recommendations.

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Phone: (787) 728-3939



655 Roberto H. Todd Ave.

PMB 132 San Juan, PR 00907

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